Ideas Masterclass

Para la publicidad no hay semáforo (¿?)

El siguiente texto complementa la ponencia que se impartió el 27 de mayo del 2021 durante la tercera edición de Working Week. Esta plática se llevó a cabo durante el cuarto día de actividades del evento interdisciplinario organizado por alumnos de cuarto semestre de la Universidad de la Comunicación. ***** Las pausas son necesarias.En este […]

Ideas Masterclass

Nomadland es trascender

Una vida migratoria implica dejarse ir y encontrarse. Antes de que prosigan pueden tener la tranquilidad de que no se arruinará la experiencia para aquellos que no han visto la película Nomadland dirigida por Chloé Zhao. Más bien se enriquecerá porque existen acciones complementarias que les ayudarán a reflexionar acerca de varios sistemas naturales y […]

Ideas Masterclass

Tomorrow starts today

ABSTRACT Face masks, social distancing, spatial barriers and different aspects of adaptive measures have come to place in what we know as the hyperconnected pandemic. Different aspects of our daily lives have been transformed and will continue to adapt as certain actions become more effective than others. A multi-layered approach in different areas from our […]

Ideas Masterclass

Hoy es el mañana.

El siguiente texto complementa la ponencia Hoy es el mañana: el futuro social y sus alternativas publicitarias, que se impartió el 25 de mayo de 2020 durante la segunda edición de Working Week. Esta plática cerró el primer día de actividades del evento interdisciplinario realizado por alumnos de cuarto semestre de la Universidad de la […]


Lecture on Coherence, Systems and Brand Archetypes

This is it! Thank you all for your time and immersive participation! All the references for the sixth lecture are here. Brands like people have a personality, this is where different Archetypes flourish. A successful positioning programme requires long term commitment. Remember that you can handle and manage each project. Coherence will make your project alive and… Colourful! […]


Lecture on Positioning

I hope you enjoyed another surprise Masterclass. All the references for the fifth lecture are here. Each product and advertising campaign must be different from the competition. It matters what do you say and how do you share advertising messages. The best approach is with a round message. It just works. Connect variables and let Positioning… Find its […]


Lecture on Soft Power and Roadmaps

Now it is time to approach to social issues and understand the spirit of the time or as some may say the trends human history has created and faced. Politics and advertising go together so open your minds in order to discover that each campaign breathes on its own. Embrace ideas… link and think! ***** SOFT POWER Joseph […]


Lecture on Social Campaigns and Zeitgeist

Hello again, here you will find the references for the third lecture. We have learnt creative techniques, different communication skills and the way to understand and approach in semiotic decoding.   ***** Hello again, here you will find the references for the third lecture. We have learned creative techniques, different communication skills and the way to understand […]


Lecture on Communication, Semiotics and Linguistics

Hello again, here you will find the references for the second lecture. The name of this Masterclass consists of adding concepts to the advertising pieces. Applying creative thinking tools in order to “speak” to the mass, the segmented public and the individual receivers for the ads to work show how much you care. The promotion, product, service […]


Lecture on Creative Tools

Hello, here you will find the references for the first lecture. All six tools have a pair. Combine them, play along and have fun towards the thinking process. Enjoy and be free to send your questions or comments. Remember: Creativity is a mental path… hit the road! ***** Creativity in Advertising: When It Works and […]


Lecture on Brands, Branding and International Campaigns

I hope you enjoyed the surprise Masterclass. All the references for the fourth lecture are here. Brands are created by following a list of ingredients to cook the DNA. Branding is the active process of a brand, how it adapts to certain contexts and location. If you can envision the scope of an international campaign and by keeping an unified […]

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